Seven weeks until Knockdown Lockdown hits Belfast
July 24, 2021
Seven week today - It’s the final countdown until World championship kickboxing is back in Belfast. This long anticipated fight-card will feature Johnny Smith as he challenges for the WKN’s World 69kg title. That’s not all, ProKick’s young samurais; James Braniff is set for the WKN K1 British Title, Jay Snoddon will step through the ropes for a WKN K1 International Title and Grace Goody will go face to face with an experienced opponent for a WKN K1 European Title.

SEVEN Weeks until #KnockdownLockdown it's the Final Countdown until World championship kickboxing is back in Belfast. This long anticipated card is on Sunday 12th September at the Stormont hotel, Belfast
Four BIG WKN title matches on this long anticipated card. The main event, will feature - Johnny Smith as he challenges for the WKN’s World 69kg title. MORE HERE on SMITH Vs LEE
That’s not all, ProKick’s young Samurais; James Braniff is set to compete for the WKN K1 British Title, bill as the Battle of Britain - Jay Snoddon will step through the ropes against an Italian for a WKN K1 International Title and Grace Goody will go face to face with an experienced German opponent for a WKN K1 European Title.
KnockdownLockdown, As if that and a fantastic formal dinner show with a three course meal wasn’t enough...Sunday 12th September...a significant date. 32 years since Billy Murray won his first professional World Title fight. This time around it’s his son-in-law, Johnny Smith who will compete in his first professional world title shot against a renowned Korean kickboxing specialist. Will history repeat itself?
There are just a handful of tickets left. NOTE, this is not a sales pitch, so don’t be left out in the cold. TICKETS HERE
Knockdown Lockdown is not to be missed. Lockdown has been counted out...make sure you are counted in!
ProKick are delighted to announce that Datactics are back on board and investing in the next steps of the trio’s kickboxing career, along with Umbrella Protect Insurance - Company Haircutters - Airtastic - Revlon and confirmed are another big supporter of ProKick and Johnny Smith, they are - Amma Life who will be Ringside.
If you are a business and would like to spread your footprint then please request an advertising pack from
We have a range of small to major televised opportunities associated with the #KnockdownLockdown