First Beginners to walk through doors of ProKick 2021
May 24, 2021
FIRST NEW 6-week beginners in 2021 - Yes folks we are BACK in the ProKick Gym - This was are first ProKick new beginners course set at ProKick in 2021 - the new starts kicked off their class at 7pm on Monday 24th May 2021. Yes, our first class in the ProKick gym from when we where all instructed be government to Lockdown.... and it's great being BACK!

Here's the first Course in 2021 - Our latest squad of new ProKick enthusiasts and most coming through the doors for the very first time. The New Beginner course kicked off on Monday 24th May at 7pm
For our return on Monday 24th May - we had two classes scheduled on Monday. The first was a ProKick yellow & orange belt level class. It was great seeing you all back in the old Tin-Hut.
An hour later and it was the turn of our latest squad of new ProKick enthusiasts and most coming through the doors for the very first time.
Welcome to all our new kickboxing beginners for making it to the ProKick Gym Belfast. All the newcomers (pictured above) had their first taste of ProKick's no-nonsense approach to fitness, as they were all put through the ropes by senior coach, #BillyMurray
Don’t worry if you couldn’t start on this course, we have regular Beginner Courses running for those looking to get into shape. So, there’s no excuses not to get involved.
Here's our next course date - click here for more - In addition to this course there are also healthy eating plans & training tips to coincide with this course which are all available on
More on the first class back in 2021 HERE
Check-out what classes are available HERE
For more information on the next Beginners class start date click HERE
Belfast City Council gives Thumbs-up to New ProKick Gym
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