Council Gives Thumbs up to ProKick
May 20, 2021
At a recent Belfast Council planning committee meeting (Tuesday May 18th), one of the applications up for approval was the ProKick gym relocation to 2-6 Laburnum St. All elected representatives agreed, and there were no objections from any of the statutory bodies. Councillors approved permission for a change of use from an existing warehouse to a martial arts kickboxing club and gym at Laburnum Street, all within walking distance from Connswater shopping centre.

Belfast Council planning committee met (Tuesday May 18th), one of the applications up for approval was the ProKick gym relocation to 2-6 Laburnum St.
The Urban Villages Initiative project will now move to the next level; the gym and kickboxing club will occupy two floors, with the ground floor providing a fitness studio space, changing facilities, ancillary office, storage and social area for members.
The first floor provides a separate boxing area with a large portable ring with the main gym totally matted open plan area.
Billy Murray, Head Coach of ProKick gym said, “I have been working with young people from all community backgrounds through the sport of kickboxing for over 40 years. ProKick has nurtured thousands of young people helping them find a direction under the gym’s ethos; truth, discipline and respect and through ProKick, many have pursued higher levels of education, studying courses in sport and other life-changing projects with other young athletes elevated to represent Northern Ireland on a sporting Global scale.
“Funding from the Urban Villages Initiative is providing us with the opportunity to relocate and open a state of the art gym in Laburnum Street. We are expecting to provide many more life changing opportunities like this for young people in East Belfast and the surrounding areas through our new gym.”
A massive thank you to everyone for their help & kind support thus far!