All Classes Temporarily Suspended
March 19, 2020
Due to the COVID-19, ProKick has suspended all classes from Wednesday 18th March. Please see below.

ProKick is temporarily closed, Check information posted below.
Dear ProKick Members ,
These are hard times we all find ourselves in.
At ProKick we feel like we provide a safe haven and a outlet to many members who chose to attend our classes for different reasons.
We all have sacrifices to make in order to combat this virus! We can get through this but only if we all do our bit!
Prokick have made the difficult decision to close until the situation improves.
In 30 years since opening we have never had to close for any reasons except Holidays a few times a year.
We will be working hard whilst closed to continue with our #rebuildprokick project. Hopefully we can provide some good news about the project when things get back to normal.
For our ProKick Kids, I'm asking that you all practice at home. We have recently set up your first fitness Kickboxing challenge for the ProKick Kids to do at home. Remember, #HardWorkPaysOff ! Want to know more email me:
ProKick Adults, Change of plans - there will be NO meeting TONIGHT for a short training session at Stormont back-gates (Massey Avenue) at 6.30pm Monday 23rd March. Please keep your eyes here as health policies are changing hourly!
Also I have stopped my Private Training Sessions for all ProKick members - Please drop me a line at Please keep your eyes here as health policies are changing hourly!
Some of our lovely members have been emailing offering to still support by paying fee's whilst not attending - Thank-you all so much!
We will still have access to emails & social media messages so if any member wants advice or needs to speak to me please get in touch!
I hope that you and your loved ones continue to stay safe and hope to see you all very soon!
Billy Murray
For all members currently on course see below.
All current beginners classes will be contacted and we will return when situation improves.
All current Advanced beginners will be contacted and we will return when situation improves.