Saturday Spar-a-thon a Success
August 27, 2022
Over 30 ProKickers got their first taste of life inside the ring in the new ProKick fight centre. A free event for the local community saw keen kick-boxers from as young as 7 years old demonstrate their skill in a safe and supervised environment. For some of the team, it was their first time in front of a crowd, but everyone displayed excellent control and technique showcasing all they have learnt in ProKick.

Pictured some of the team who took part in the first ProKick Spar-a-thon on Saturday 27th Aug at the New ProKick Gym
All levels were on show, from those who have recently joined the gym to stalwarts like Johnny Smith, who introduced some of the newcomers to life inside the squared circle.
Finishing off the afternoon, the crowd gathered were treated to 3 x 2 minute rounds of sparring between ProKick’s own Jay Snoddon and Iranian professional kickboxer Abbas Khorrami. It was three rounds of non-stop action from Samurai Snoddon and perfect preparation for his next competitive fight on Sunday 25th September....Our next event.
Check out how you can make sure you have a seat at the launch of our Champions Fight League by sponsoring a chair ….. CLICK HERE
A big thank you and well done to all those who took part today. Onwards and upwards ProKick!
NEW - ProKick Champions League