Rookie Kickboxing Event CFL No.7
September 30, 2023
COMING THIS SUNDAY - Get ready for an adrenaline-fueled Rookie Show! It's not just another kickboxing event. This is where first-time kickboxing enthusiasts step into the ring for their very first match. And what about the main event? Hold on, because it's an All Ireland WKN K1-style championship match that will leave you breathless. Join us at ProKick HQ on Sunday, December 10th, 2023, for another electrifying Rookie show that will leave you on the edge of your seat! But wait, there's more! Read on Below ........

Join us at Champions Fighting League #CFL7! Witness a thrilling showcase of rookies and seasoned talent at the renowned ProKick Gym HQ on Sunday, December 10th, 2023. Sold-out you can watch on-line and be part of all the action!
And here it is! ProKick's Grace Goody is now back on the bill after receiving an early Christmas present for some of the ProKick members who helped finance this match for Grace when her original opponent Sahz Furlong from Billy O'Sullivan Kickboxing gym in Waterford withdrew with health reasons. We wish Sahz a speedy recovery. (Thanks to our kind ProKick members that this fight is on!)
Grace will take on her nemesis, Kim De Man from Holland, in an International match-up that promises to be a showdown of epic proportions. This is the Semi-main event at the ProKick gym in Belfast (one week today) on Sunday, December 10th. So don't miss a moment of the action!
It is worth noting that just three weeks ago, De Man won a split decision against Grace in Holland.
Purchase your pay per view link here
Tickets are sold-out. The event is SOLD-OUT -
But you don't need to miss a single punch or kick by purchasing the LIVE Stream Just £8.95
I would like to express my gratitude to Marjolein, an exceptional Dutch Matchmaker, for her invaluable assistance. Billy Murray
This is the event running order for Sunday 10th December 2023
Part 1 of the Rookies show
WKN - Low-kick exhibition 2x2 Min Rounds Catchweight
Josie Woods (ProKick) Vs Nicole Pojawa (Castle K1 Kickboxing)
Sponsored by - NorthStar Rigging Ltd
Ref: Rowena Bolt
Light contact K1 Rules 32kg 2x1.5
Leo Smith (ProKick) Vs Keegan Griffan (Wolfpack,Templemore)
Sponsored by - Company Haircutters
Ref Stephen McFarlane
Judges Adele - Wilson - Robert
WKN K1- Rules 3x2 Min Rounds 61-63kg
Eva Hamilton (ProKick) Vs Amy Cassidy (Strike Martial Arts, Derry)
Sponsored by - Friends and Family
Ref Rowena Bolt
Judges Adele - Stephen - Wilson
WKN K1-Style Rules 3x2 Min Rounds 78-80Kg
Ayomide Oyedele (ProKick) VS Finnian O’Connor (Wolfpack, Ballinasloe)
Sponsored by - Friends and Family
Ref Wilson Snoddy
Judges Adele - Stephen - Robert
WKN K1 Rules 3x2 Min Rounds 55-57kg
Iga Ptasinska (ProKick) Vs Emily Gailey (Castle K1 Kickboxing)
Sponsored by - Friends and Family
Ref Wilson Snoddy
Judges Adele - Stephen - Robert
WKN K1-Style Rules 3x2 Min Rounds 69-71Kg
Jordan Smart (ProKick) VS Patrick Crawley (Wolfpack, Ballinasloe)
Sponsored by - Jordan Smart
Ref Stephen McFarlane
Judges Adele - Robert- Wilson
WKN K1-Style Rules 3x2 Min Rounds 67-69kg
Robbie McQuaide (ProKick) Vs Vytas Endzielaitis (Portadown Kickboxing)
Sponsored by - Friends and Family
Ref Robert Masterson
Judges Adele - Stephen - Wilson
WKN K1-Style Rules 3x2 Min Rounds 79-81kg
Lewis Gregg (ProKick) VS Joshua Gaynor (Wolfpack, Ballinasloe)
Sponsored by - Friends and Family
Ref Stephen McFarlane
Judges Adele - Robert- Wilson
WKN K1- Rules 3x2 Min Rounds Catchweight
David Hayes (Billy O'Sullivan Kickboxing, Waterford) VS Cian Slike (Wolfpack, Ballinasloe)
Sponsored by - Richard Swabey
Ref Robert Masterson
Judges Adele - Stephen - Wilson
WKN K1- Rules 3x2 Min Rounds 63-65kg
Ciaran McGrenaghan (ProKick) VS Darragh Deady (Sean Barrett - Waterford)
Sponsored by - Connect EBU
Ref Wilson Snoddy
Judges Adele - Stephen- Robert
**** Interval comfort break****
Section 2
WKN K1-Style Rules exhibition 2x2 Min Rounds Catchweight
Matthew Agnew (ProKick) Vs Jack Donaghey (KickFit Strabane )
Sponsored by - Friends & Family
Ref Rowena Bolt
WKN Low-Kick Rules 3x1.5 Min Rounds 58-60kg
Alex Agnew (ProKick) VS David Pacud (Billy O'Sullivan Kickboxing, Waterford)
Sponsored by - Maxol Ballynahinch
Ref Rowena Bolt
Judges Adele - Stephen - Robert
WKN K1-Style Rules 3x2 Min Rounds 64-66kg
Leo Fitzpatrick (ProKick, Belfast) Vs Daire Feeney (Strabane Martial Arts Academy)
Sponsored by - Friends & Family
Ref Stephen McFarlane
Judges Adele - Stephen- Wilson
WKN Full Contact Rules 3x1.5 Min Rounds 52-54kg
Reuben Graham (ProKick) VS Tyler Hearn (Billy O'Sullivan Kickboxing, Waterford)
Sponsored by - Friends and Family
Ref Robert Masterson Judges Adele - Stephen- Wilson
WKN K1-Style Rules 3x2 Min Rounds 74-76kg
Adam McQuitty (ProKick) Vs Isaac Walker (TopPro, Carlow)
Sponsored by - SparkLife
Ref Robert Masterson
Judges Adele - Stephen- Wilson
WKN K1 Rules 3x2 Min Rounds 60-62kg
Max Murray (ProKick) VS Michael Stokes (Billy O'Sullivan Kickboxing, Waterford)
Sponsored by - The Shed Mill
Ref Stephen McFarlane
Judges Adele - Robert- Wilson
WKN K1-Style Rules 3x2 Min Rounds 74-76kg
Owen Brown (ProKick) Vs Tiarnan Mc Nulty (KickFit Strabane )
Sponsored by - Elizabeth's Home Bakery
Ref Stephen McFarlane
Judges Adele - Wilson - Robert
WKN K1- Rules 3x2 Min Rounds 62kg
Cahal Walsh (ProKick) Vs Conall Donnelly (Strabane Martial Arts Academy)
Sponsored by - Rowallane Inn, Saintfield
Ref Wilson Snoddy
Judges Adele - Stephen- Robert
WKN K1 Rules 3x2 Min Rounds 55-57kg
Grace Goody ( ProKick) VS Kim De Man (Team Atlas, Holland)
Sponsored by - Friends,Family and ProKick Members
Ref Robert Masterson
Judges Adele - Wilson - Stephen
WKN K1-Style Irish Title Rules 4x2 Min Rounds 69.9kg
Dan Braniff (ProKick) Vs Martynas Jagutis (TopPro, Carlow)
Sponsored by - The Captains Table
Ref Robert Masterson
Judges Adele - Wilson - Stephen
Ring-Side Officals
Judges - Adele Robinson, Robert Masterson, Wilson Snoddy, Stephen McFarlane, Rowena Bolt
TimeKeeper - Chris Phillips
Dr - Dr Rick Karsan
Medics - NI Sports Medics
MC - Gary G
Music - John Criag
Snapper - Mark Earney
TV - Acron
Live Stream - Daryl Campbell & Tristan Campbell
Event Sponsors -
Company Haircutters, The Captains Table, The Shed Mill, Elizabeth's Home Bakery, Rowallane Inn,North Star Rigging, Jordan Smart, Richard Swabey, SparkLife, Maxol Ballynahinch, Connect EBU, ProKick Members and Friends & Family of the fighters.
Embodying both sportsmanship and professionalism brings exceptional quality to any endeavour.
It is expected that all attendees at Billy Murray's & the ProKick event, including trainers, competitors, and the general public, conduct themselves in a professional manner. We maintain high standards for sportsmanship and respectful behaviour, both within and outside the ring. It is the responsibility of all trainers and fighters to uphold these principles. Please be advised that any inappropriate behaviour or use of offensive language will not be tolerated, and individuals engaging in such behaviour will be asked to leave.
Political statements and flags are also NOT allowed during the the show. Not in the ring, and also not outside in the audience.
Please inform your fighters and supporters of this.
No Videoing or photography at the event is not permitted. All photographs will be on our web-site and you're are welcome to take with a courtesy back link to
Stream Link: