Friday Night at Prokick Gym
December 27, 2018
The ProKick Gym is BACK OPEN Friday 28th DEC - yes the weekend starts here. Syllabus training , Pad work, & fast Kickboxing & boxing basic drills to start & finish off with.

Want a work-out can’t wait to get back at it!? Then here it is, Friday 28th at the ProKick Gym is OPEN
Want a work-out can’t wait to get back at it!? Then here it is, Friday 28th at the ProKick Gym is OPEN - Friday 6:30pm class is a no-nonsense class for those who want to work hard, Pad-work kickboxing drills and lots more, the class starts at 6:30pm.
Saturday 29th Kids a classes are on and then our 3-in-1 class is on this Saturday at 12:45pm - Circuit training, pad training & light sparring all in one session.
Saturday class is on for those who want to have a more extreme class a three in one style circuit training, pad drills & light sparring. Bon Weekend.