Barrister Backs ProKick Teens
February 22, 2020
These three ProKick teenagers are getting ready to Kick-up a storm in Japan for a second time - The three amigos will have a little help along the way from one of their ProKick sparring partners - Barrister, Suzanne Russell. Mrs Russell is another ProKicker not to be messed with, she felt the need to help the team out and did! Suzanne, kindly walked in during the teams afternoon training session to donated £250 towards the expensive trip.

Barrister Backs Prokick Teens - Thank you Suzanne, this was much appreciated, said Coach Billy Murray who will mentor and travel with the team
Thank you Suzanne, this was much appreciated, said Coach Billy Murray who will mentor and travel with the team:
“ We decided not to do a mad fundraising campaign the way we made for the last trip, back in December 2019. There are only so many times we can ask for help and support as people were so generous for the last trip to Japan, however, if anyone would like to donate or help the team anything would be truly appreciated.”
Here’s details of their un-n-coming trip.
Check-out the Blog from the teens last years trip
Check-out Video for the last trip
The journey continues….