A New Kickboxing Course Kicks Off 22nd Nov 2018
November 22, 2018
A New ProKick kickboxing beginners course kicked-off at the ProKick Gym on Thursday 22nd Nov 2018. The squad pictured here were put through the ropes on their first night by head coach #BillyMurray - The high kickers started at the ProKick Gym on Thursday 22nd Nov at 8:15pm. This was the 19th new 6week beginners course to start at ProKick this year. The new Thursday night class went straight into action as the new-starts worked through fundamentals of fitness, elements of self-defence and all of this was on the first night.

All the newcomers (pictured) had their first taste of ProKick's no-nonsense approach to fitness, ProKick kickboxing style - and it all kicked-off Thursday November 22nd at 8:15pm.
A BIG hello & welcome to all our new kickboxing beginners for making it to the ProKick Gym Belfast. Welcome to #TheOldTinHut #kickboxingGym and the fourteenth new 6 week beginners course set for 2018.
All the newcomers (pictured) had their first taste of ProKick's no-nonsense approach to fitness, ProKick kickboxing style - and it all kicked-off Thursday November 22nd at 8:15pm.
Don’t worry if you couldn’t start on this course, we have regular Beginner courses running for those looking to get into shape. So, no excuses not to get involved. Here's our next course - click here In addition to this course there are also healthy eating plans & training tips to coincide with this course which are all available on
For more information on the next Beginners class start date click here