Results from the Maiden City
Event Date: 19th January, 2019 - 11:30pm
Event Location: Pilots Row Recreation centre, Derry / LondonDerry
Well done to my ProKickers who travelled to the Maiden City, Derry / LondonDerry to the WKC event at Pilots Row Recreation centre - six full-contact, Low-Kick & K1 style fights with just one loss and it all happened on Saturday the 19th JAN 2019. A pretty good result and a full day's experience gained - no one hurt, maybe a pride or two but that’s easy remedied……#HardWorkPaysOff

Well done to my ProKickers who travelled to the Maiden City, Derry / LondonDerry to the WKC event at Pilots Row Recreation centre - six wins out of nine fights on Saturday the 19th JAN,
Here's results from the #ProKickTeam who competed on the WKC event in the Maiden City, Derry / LondonDerry Saturday 19th JAN 2019.
Jay Snoddon - won on points - K1 rules
Rowena Bolt - won on points - Low-Kick rules
Joshua Madden - won on points - Low-Kick rules
James Braniff - won in 3rd round - K1 rules
Adam Braniff - won in 3rd round - K1 rules
Matthew Kerr - lost 3rd round - Full-Contact rules
Light contact section
Adam Braniff - lost on points Light contact rules
Lucy McConnell - lost on points Light contact rules
A massive thanks to Mr George Ferguson, Johnny 'Swift' Smith, Grannie Goody and surprise visitor Gary Fullerton for all their help & support at the event - acting as chauffeurs, corner men, timekeepers, cheerleaders and what's known as good team-mates. #ProKickTeam
Thanks to the WKU & Patricia Murphy for the invite and all the officials who helped out at the event.