
Wednesday Sparring Class

July 25, 2017

This class is for the beginner who just want a few rounds of sparring in a controlled environment. The class for the beginner KICKS-OFF every Wednesday at 6pm. So please be early that's if you want a few rounds of light sparring and remember No fighters are in this class unless prearranged. The fighters class is NOT on at 6:45 as the class is under restructure, details posted soon.

Mixed ProKick Sparring Class

Mixed ProKick Sparring Class

These type of classes are to improve technique and allow our wannabe kickboxers the chance of a few rounds in the ring. If anyone wishes to become a competitor please talk with your instructor.

The Next Wednesday night sparring class starts WED 4th October @ 6pm

Black ProKick t/shirt must be worn - bring your running shoes!

ProKick June 28th Sparring
ProKick June 28th Sparring
Visit the Prokick Archive