Watch Jay Snoddon Fight in Japan LIVE for FREE
May 16, 2024
Jay Snoddon, hailing from Belfast, Northern Ireland, is gearing up for his second professional fight on Saturday night (Sunday, 19th May) in Tokyo, Japan. Celebrating his 21st birthday in the 'Land of the Rising Sun,' he will go head-to-head with Norio Yokoyama in the thrilling Extreme Fight Game 'RISE.'

Yes, you read it right! Watch Belfast’s Jay Snoddon take on Norio Yokoyama the might of the Japanese, LIVE from Japan for free. Don’t miss a single punch or kick!
Yes, you read it right! Watch Belfast’s Jay Snoddon take on Norio Yokoyama the might of the Japanese, LIVE from Japan for free. Don’t miss a single punch or kick!
To view the fight LIVE -
Step 1.
Simply download the app ABEMA by clicking the link below:
Step 2.
When downloaded to your devise type in the search bar, RISE
Step 3. View
Step 4. enjoy!
The show starts locally in Tokyo at 5:15pm - 9am UK time GMT Sunday 20th.
Jay fights 5th on the card averaging 20 mins per fight. Therefore, Jay possibly will fight approximately 10:20am Sunday morning UK time GMT 20th May.
' Land of the Rising Sun.' by facing Norio Yokoyama in the highly anticipated Extreme Fight Game called 'RISE'. The match will is under K1 rules, comprising three rounds, each lasting three minutes, it’s normal kickboxing rules the only differences are, fighters may strike with the knee, similar to Thai-Boxing only no clinching.