Want to compete on the next event
January 05, 2022
Kicking off the New Year in style - here's the next squad of ProKick members who have thrown their gloves into the ring to compete. The new team will compete for the first time on the next ProKick event set for the end of February or mid March 2022. (date to be confirmed) Do you want to become a ProKick fighter? if you have been thinking about it, then here's your opportunity - it's not too late to join the team. Simply talk to any ProKick coach that's if you want to make the transition from fitness fanatic to having your first fight in the Ring - Or join us at the next sparring class. Read below>>>>

Some of the Fighters on the next event. Want to become a ProKick fighter and fight on the next fight-card? ' Kickboxing ProspeX' If this is for you, just turn up on Wednesday's 7pm or Saturday at 1.30pm for training.
Many of our ProKick members have asked, how can they become a fighter, what does it take, and how long do they have to wait.?
If this is for you, just turn up on Wednesday or Saturday sparring sessions. There will be training for ALL & information for those to what is expected.
Or simply, talk to Head coach - Billy Murray.
Equipment required : gum shield, gloves, head-guard, shin & foot protection.
To become a fighter at ProKick is not easy, this is your own personal choice and you as an individual who wants to take the step into the competition world.
We will promote another home event for beginners & experienced fighters end of February or March 2020.