Two Kids Classes on this Saturday
April 27, 2021
Hello ProKick Parents, We are back every Saturday again for our ProKick outdoor Kids classes at Stormont. I know some of you have been disappointed as you couldn't get your children booked on the Kids class on Saturday's. We have another two KID'S classes running on the 15th May. See below:

Kids At Stormont - we have two classes again this week on Saturday Morning of the 15th May. The first at 10 am beginners to Orange belts level. Next up we have a senior kids class at 11am to 11:45am
TWO Kids Classes this coming Saturday coming 15th May
10am - 10:45am - NEW Beginners Only starting 29th May BOOK HERE AT ProKick Wilgar St.
11am - 11:45am - Yellow & Orange belt level BOOK HERE for 15th May - Stormont
12 - 12:45am - Green to Black belt level BOOK HERE for 15th May - Stormont
(Same place as before) at the back gates Massey Ave. Please be there for 10 mins before kick-off.
The driving element behind all of our young classes is fun. If our young members enjoy themselves first and foremost, then the other elements of fitness and good diet become something they look forward to rather than as a chore.
All Kids classes are £4.00 per class
Class numbers have been reduced and classes must can be pre-booked online, due to Covid-19.
Prokick kids class - Our ProKick Kids classes are on a Saturday morning at Stormont, no new starts until we are back in Wilgar St on the 29th May - intake minimum age is 6 years of age.
Here's one of our Kids Saturday morning classes at Stormont