Sparring or Fighters class
August 01, 2017
Here's a little bit of info RE the Wednesday Sparring classes. - From this Wednesday 2nd August everyone wanting to sparring will go through a 6 week crash course on Level 1 & 2 sparring - the cost is £25 payable in advance or on the night. No more just dropping in one week and missing a bunch, either commit or don't.

Wednesday 2nd August ProKick 6 week Sparring or sign-up to become a fighter
Furthermore, of late so many of you have asked about competing, therefore, I will change the format of the beginners sparring class.
Those of you who have requested this, will also sign-up for the above course, however, you will stay on to come into the fighters class at 6:45pm free of charge. When the 6 weeks are completed you are not permitted to attend the 6pm class.
6:45 Fighters class:
This class is now strictly for people who want to compete, any seniors who don't want or have no interest in competing can now attend the 6pm class. For ProKick members wishing to compete the information will be supplied on Wednesday 2nd August. NOTE, if you attend the 6:45pm class then you will be expected to climb into the ring when you are fit and ready and that goes for home and away. Fighters classes still cost £5
Whatever your goals are for 2017 be sure if one of them is to become a fighter or continue to fight then rest assured, I will look after you in and out of the ring, providing you adhere to ProKick's Code of Conduct.
Faithfully Yours
Billy Murray
Senior coach at ProKick