SATURDAY three-in-one style class
May 04, 2019
Our 3-in-1 style class is on TODAY Saturday 4th MAY. The Saturday afternoon session starts with circuit training, pad work & light sparring a three-in-one style class. The class is open to all ProKick members who would like to have a bit of everything in one session and in a well controlled structured environment.

ProKick Saturday 3 In 1 style Class - Circuits, Pads, finishing with light sparring
This Kickboxing Master-Class is open to all levels from non-competitors to ProKick fighters. Non fighters will mix with the same level of members and will not spar with ProKick fighters.
Saturday's agenda:
Circuit training
Pads work
Light sparring
More details will be given at class or if you want to hear more ring the gym’s hot-line on 028 9065 1074.
Please be early, you can start warming up from 12:30pm right after the Kids classes.