ProKick Timetable over July 2019
July 04, 2019
Hi ProKickers, due to the July Holiday's, we will be running fewer classes at ProKickGym than normal. Here's a list the the following classes that are still on, and we hope you will find classes to suit your fitness & kickboxing needs. This timetable is effective from July 11th - until Monday 29th July. However please check the class timetable LINK below for up-dates - as these may change over July. Wishing you all a great summer, if you are home or away.

ProKick Holiday timetable will be in effect from July 11th - until Monday 29th July.
Holiday timetable is effective from July 11th - until Monday 29th July. Please check the current class timetable and if your class is not listed then it means that it is off. Please attend other level classes that your level permits. if in doubt ask reception or email
Wednesday - 10th
6pm - 6.45pm - is an open Sparring (No fighters)
6.45 - 8.15pm - No fighter class
Thursday - 11th Closed
Friday - 12th Closed
Saturday - 13th Closed
Monday - July 15th
6.45pm - 7.30pm - Merged yellow & Orange belts
7.30pm - 8.15pm - Advanced beginners - new & current advanced beginners in this class
8.15pm - 9pm - Beginners week 5
Tuesday - July 16th
6.15pm - 7.00pm - Kids Orange & Above
7.00pm - 7.45pm - Adult Green & above only
7.45pm - 8.30pm - New Beginners week 2
Wednesday - 17th July
Thursday - 18th July
6.45pm - 7.30pm - YELLOW BELTS
7.30pm - 8.15pm - Advanced beginners - Pads class - all levels welcome in this class.
Friday - 19th July
Saturday - 20th July Kids classes
10.45 - 11.45 - Kids new Beginners to orange belts
11.30-12.15 - Senior kids, green belts and above.
Monday - July 22nd July
6.45 - 7.30pm - Merged yellow & Orange belts
7.30pm - 8.15pm Advanced beginners - new & current advanced beginners in this class
8.15pm - 9pm New Beginners this is week No.week 6 - fast pads class.
Tuesday - July 23rd July
6.15pm - 7.00pm - Kids Orange & Above
7.00pm - 7.45pm - Adult Green & above only Wednesday - July 24th July - NO CLASSES
7.45pm - 8.15pm - Beginners course week 2
Wednesday - 24th July
6pm - 6.45pm - This is an open Sparring (No fighters)
6.45 - 8.15pm - this is the fighter only class
Other classes times will be posted as we get further into July
Please check the current class timetable