ProKick team in Geneva at the WMAG
April 06, 2018
The ProKick team arrived in Switzerland this afternoon (Friday 6th April). Weigh-ins done, fed-n-watered and now all tucked up in bed for a good night's rest. The team also had a chance to mix with a Martial Art Star by-way-of veteran UCF fighter, Remco Pardoel a Dutch super star.

The ProKick Team after the Weigh-Ins at the WMAG in Geneva 6th April 2018
Weigh-ins at the WMAG: The first of our young ProKick team to hit the scales were:
The giggling assassin, Grace Goody who weigh'd-in at 57.7kg
Charles Ross was up next, he made 72.5kg for his first full-contact match.
Jay Snoddon, a very confident 14 year-old - he punched the air when he came in at the required weigh of, 53.7kg
Lucy McConnell skipped up to the scales with a smile on her face to manage, 54.1kg for her first light-contact match.
Father & Son duo Jonny & Jack Wightman were last up. First the dad, the quiet man Jonny. Well done on the scale Jonny after shedding 8kg over the last 6 weeks. Jonny was standing on the scales at 70.1kg at the official weigh-in, impressive MrW...well done.
Jonny's son Jack, looked a little nervous at 12 years-old and who wouldn't be, first time out of the country on a big stage for his first light-contact match. Great opportunity for young Jack, and the team as a whole.
The event start at 11am and will run until 6pm then at 8pm there is a Saturday Night Fight Show with professional fighters.
A full line-up with K1 style kickboxing & MMA super fights will be featured.
Other important members of the team who are not fighting this time around are, Granny Goody, Camryn Brown, Mathew Kerr & James Braniff
Check out the Gallery with ProKick team at WMAG 2018
THE EVENT: WMAG will take place April 7th & 8th 2018 at the Best Western Hotel Chavannes-de-Bogis Geneva, Switzerland