ProKick Fighters in France hit the weight
February 03, 2023
On the eve of Habib Bakir's long awaited BFS (Boxing Fighters System) event, fight fans gathered at the main Audi dealer in Nimes to witness their favourite fighters weigh-in. The weigh-ins kicked off for BFS3 at 7;30pm as scheduled. Two Big WKN titles are on the line for Saturday 4th FEB 2023 show.

James Braniff and Thomas Keroumi both made the weight. Congratulations to Mr Habib Bakir for a Professionally run weigh-in and press meeting - if the weigh-ins were anything to go by, then we are in for a treat - a pretty spectacular event!
The two big fights that has fight-fans back home in N,Ireland talking are - Belfast's home favourites, Jay Snoddon and his best friend James Braniff. Jay hit the scales first out of the two ProKick fighters - Jay faces a late replacement by-way-of Julien Tousch a Thai boxing specialist. The match was made a 62kg under K1 rules. Jay came-in-at 61.2kg with Julien a tad lighter at 61.1kg nothing in it. Bang on and both boys look as if they're ready to go after the obligatory hand shake.
Next up it was James Braniff, he came face-face with Thomas Keroumi who is tipped for big things. This match was agreed at 72kg and again under full K1 rules over 3x2 minute rounds. Thomas hit the scales first and came in light as he made 69.9kg with James making 71.7kg. Yet again the customary hand shaking and posing for pictures and that was that part over for the ProKick team. CHECK THE WEIGH-IN BELOW
Congratulations to Mr Habib Bakir for a Professionally run weigh-in and press meeting - if the weigh-ins are anything to go by, then we are in for a treat - a pretty spectacular event!
Ten fights on the card with six Pro fights culminating with two championship matches one of then being - the heavyweight professional World WKN K1 championship.
ProKick members can watch Jay up first with James coming two fights after him. Current ProKick members can watch for free on our private FB page called 'ProKick Members Page' Jay is expected on approximately 7:30pm local time which is 8:30pm GMT. Further details will be posted on the ProKick private page.
Thanks for all the well wishes and support to the team.
Let's go team ProKick!