ProKick Badges
September 17, 2018
Young Daniel Pickering has came-up with a way to help #RebuildProKick - The 9 year-old has designed two ProKick lapel badges and hopes that all the ProKick members get behind his endeavour.

Nine year-old Daniel Pickering has came up with a way to help #RebuildProKick the 9 year-old has designed two ProKick lapel badges
Daniel has been a ProKick member for over 3 years and is currently a Green belt.
Billy Murray the senior coach said: "This is great of Daniel to think of us and his club. We have a long way to go to reach our target on our GoFundMe page to #RebuildProKick but with little events like these, it won't be long before we have our new gym."
If any of our ProKick members have any good ideas to raise money in aid of our new gym. Please contact any of the team. Or send your plan to but be prepared to join the team and see it through.