POSTPONED - Champions Fight league No.3
December 02, 2022
POSTPONED - Champions Fight league No.3 is postponed until January 15th 2023. Unfortunately due to circumstances beyond our control we have had no choice but to postpone our #CFL3 which was scheduled for Sunday 11th December. The new date is just five weeks later on Sunday 15th January 2023. TICKET HOLDERS READ ON ....

#CFL3 which was scheduled for Sunday 11th December is Postponed until Sunday 15th January 2023. TICKET HOLDERS READ ON ....
Ticket Holders: All tickets purchased are valid for the new date. If you can't make the date and want a refund, please return the ticket to the source you purchased and a refund will be provided.
Jay Snoddon's German opponent, Richard Homer damaged his hand in an accident on (1st Dec) whilst James Braniff's French opponent Rubik Aslanyan has passport issues and is unable to travel.
Grace Goody's opponent Sarah Piccirillo (Belgium) is still on the card.
The WKN will secure new opponents for Jay & James with the rest of the matches made up locally between the four nations and the ROI
Tickets are still available from the ProKick Gym reception priced £20 or send £20 to PayPal to and collect your tickets at reception
The Champions Fight League started on September 25th 2022 this year and so far we have brought Competitors from Switzerland, Sweden, Holland, Germany, Cyprus, Scotland and the south of Ireland.
These are the standard of fights we want to bring to fight fans here at ProKick and for Northern Ireland.
Bringing top class fighters from across Europe and the world all adds up. We need your help and sponsorship to continue to promote these shows. There are flight and accommodation costs for all fighters and coaches along with food and travel when here.
If you or your business would like to sponsor a fighter, a bout, or invest in the world class talent we have coming through, please get in touch with Billy Murray at with Sponsorship in the subject of the email.
Thanks for all the help so far with sponsorship raised to-date
Billy Murray