Now you can Belt Up
September 15, 2022
Well done team - so you wanted to move up a level on the kickboxing ladder of excellence? And yes you did, there was a few bumps on the road before you got there but you finally belted-up at our first ever ProKick's grading in the New Gym. Thursday 15th September @ 8pm was the date and time which saw adult members grade up a level to - Yellow and Orange belt.

First grading was staged in the New Gym. The test set on Thursday evening 15th Sept 2022 and It kicked off at 8pm. The grading for ProKick Beginners-Yellow & Yellow-Orange belt. While seniors sat in as part of their up-coming grade
ProKick's first grading was staged at Laburnum street and was set on Thursday evening 15th September. it all kicked off at 8pm 2022. This grading was for ProKick beginners to orange belt.
The grading saw Kickboxing mad students go through the ProKick exams with a series of tests covering different aspects from the sport which helped elevate them to the next level. This grading was helped out by four senior level students who were also going through a process for their own grade set for the end of the year.
Members pictured above covered belts from the Yellow and Orange belt syllabus levels, whilst our seniors will cover aspects for Brown & Black Belt, respectfully.
A grading is when Kickboxing students, non-contact and contact, are assessed through a series of levels / grades, with the base level being White Belt, through ten levels, finally reaching a Dan grade at black belt, which is equivalent, if you like, to a degree level in KickBoxing. This type of achievement would take, on average, between six and eight years with a training regime of on average of three to four times a week.
New Class times:
New Yellow every Monday at 6pm and Thursday at 7pm, other classes are available please see reception for more.New Orange every Tuesday at 8pm and Thursday at 7pm or Friday at 7pm. Other classes are available please see reception for more.
Here’s what is expected for ProKick Yellow & Orange belt grading:
Check-out ProKick Yellow Belt Syllabus
Check-out ProKick Orange Belt Syllabus
Check-out your new class times
For any further information required contact reception by phone 028 9065 1074, email or just call in.