new beginners at prokick
October 23, 2017
Beginners Course number 17 kicked-off at ProKick HQ in 2017 - Monday 23rd October saw a new class which got straight into action as the newbies worked through fundamentals of fitness, and elements of self-defence and all of this on the first night.

New Beginners kick-off at ProKick 0n Monday 23rd October
A big welcome to all our new beginners who all made it to the #OldTinHut - The Home of Champions.
The new starts had their first taste of kickboxing and lived to tell the tale. ProKick's no-nonsense approach to fitness not only stimulates the body but also the mind.
All learn't the basics of this highly popular martial art taught by Black-Belter at ProKick, Paul Gordon.
Don’t worry if you couldn’t start on this course, we have regular beginner courses running for those looking to get into shape, so you’ll have no excuse not to get involved.
No matter what your needs are, we will help you achieve it here at ProKick, whether you want to compete, start a healthier lifestyle or want to belt up.
There are healthy eating plans right here available on our web-site@
Or if you are interested in getting your kids involved with KickBoxing there is more info on our website - classes are Saturday mornings at 10:45 and works on a pay as you go system from just £3 per session.
Feel free to share images from our website all we ask is you give us a back link. We hope you thoroughly enjoyed your first class with us, subscribe on our social media for updates and news. See links above.