
McAleer Vs Vinces in Italy

November 17, 2017

Cathy McAleer is now in Genoa, Italy ahead of tomorrow's match when she will face, Italian, Luca Cuccu Vincis for an International kickboxing match under full K1 rules. The bout will be over 3x3 min rounds and will happen this Sunday on the 19th November 2017.

Vincis Vs McAleer 19th November in Genoa, Italy

Vincis Vs McAleer 19th November in Genoa, Italy

The weigh-ins will take place at 6pm UK time today (Saturday)
McAleer will make her second professional fight tomorrow in Genoa, Italy on November 19th.

The Belfast karate queen will came face-to-face with Chiara Vinces a former ISKA world champion before the match when both hit the scales as the fight is made at 56kg.

This match is under WKN K1 rules and over 3x3 min rounds.

The event is promoted by Mr Luca Cuccu.

More here

Event In Genoa, Italy 19th Nov 2017
Event In Genoa, Italy 19th Nov 2017
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