KICKmas 2020 is Cancelled
December 05, 2020
There will be no festive cheer for ProKick members this year as ProKick’s beloved KICKmas cracker got pulled. After numerous attempts from June to August, October and now our KICKmas event special on December 19th got the chop. The travel corridor from Germany and Italy to the UK is restricted - German’s and Italian’s travelling to the UK must quarantine for 14 days. If that wasn’t enough the ProKick Gym has been ordered along with other contact sport in NI to stay closed - there are no classes or indoor sports permitted by the Northern Ireland Executive this side of Christmas.

Our KICKmas event special on December 19th got the chop. The travel corridor from Germany and Italy to the UK is restricted. German’s and Italian’s travelling to the UK must quarantine for 14 days.
So with KICKmas 2020 Cancelled, what happens now?!
At some point in 2021 we will promote our three talented ProKick Samurai’s for the arranged well-earned championship matches - if you would like your ticket or tickets refunded please send your PayPal or Bank sorting & account No. - by email to: - unfortunately if paid by credit card we can’t refund to that card this time. Or if you want cash, state CASH and you will be able to collect your refund from the gym, times to be arranged for collection.
Or, if you wish to wait as you’ve waited this long then we will honour the same type of show for our first show back on the first possible date we are permitted to do so.
I would like to take this opportunity to thanks everyone who has helped work on these ill-fated COVID doomed events. It’s been an extremely difficult time for us at ProKick with no classes and our events on then off again so many times.
A massive thanks to our German, Italian & Welsh friends for also being patient with us, and a special thanks to WKN world president Mr Cabrera for trying to control and manage the international players through this pandemic.
Finally, a thought for our three Belfast Samurai’s for all their hard non-stop training they've done for this one match - the team haven’t stopped, done everything that was asked. #HardWorkPaysOff - Roll on 2021.
Billy Murray