Kickboxing ProKick Level 2 sparring 2017 - FINISHED
February 16, 2017
We finished six weeks of level 2 ProKick sparring course. Wednesday FEB 15th 2017 #ProKick Level 2 #sparring #course came to an end but first every member had a couple of rounds in the ring which was video'd for the team to look back at and learn from. This Level 2 #sparring course focused on the low-leg kick style of #kickboxing as well as the traditional Full-Contact Style. We will release soon what happens next, well done all.

17052017 Group
Well done for finishing the all new #ProKick Level 2 #sparringcourse which focused on the low leg kick style of #kickboxing as well as the traditional Full Contact Style.
The fifth week of our all new Level 2 kickboxing sparring class kicked-off at 6pm TONIGHT Wednesday FEB 8th 2017 #ProKick Level 2 #sparring #course kicked-off right after the Level 1 course had just finished. #ProKickers signed-up for the new Level 2 course. This Level 2 #sparring course will focus on the low-leg kick style of #kickboxing as well as the traditional Full-Contact Style.
The fourth week kick-off re-capping the last three weeks - drills on blocks and countering, sparring with the new drills learnt - boxing sparring with some of the seniors, finishing off with a fast pad session .
Third week the course worked through low-kicks, blocks, evasion and countering techniques.
Second week of the all new Level 2 kickboxing sparring class started at 6pm - Wednesday January 18th 2017 #ProKick Level 2 #sparring #course kick-off - the right after the Level 1 course had just finished. #ProKickers signed-up for the new Level 2 course. This Level 2 #sparring course will focus on the low-leg kick style of #kickboxing as well as the traditional Full-Contact Style.
TONIGHT 11th JAN 2017: members had the chance to recap on Level 1 sparring - with the squad practising blocks, avoiding kicks and countering low-kicks. The team finished-off with body boxing with the fighters & senior sparring class.
Well done the new level 2 newbies class.
Our sparring classes & courses are all in a controlled environment, however it is a Full-Contact sport and ProKick members are advised to take out personal insurance.