Jonathan Wightman a new Ultra Marathon Runner
June 07, 2021
Belfast’s Jonathan Wightman finishes his first ultra marathon after just starting running a few years ago. He’s maybe not the fastest runner but he's got what others don’t have but want; and that’s, determination, dedication, and discipline to finish a 32 mile race with absolutely no preparation.

New Ultra runner, Jonny Wightman, maybe not the fastest runner out there but he's got what others don’t have but want; and that’s, determination, dedication, and discipline.
The former ProKick title contender with 15 fights under his belt - started running seriously, just three years ago. He never ran when training for fights and now wishes he did as he see’s the benefits from hitting the trails.
“I remember Jonny starting running with me at Stormont just a couple of years ago, one of the little tracks I take beginners, is between 2 & 2.5 miles - he stopped a few times. And now, he’s finished his first 32 miler. That’s an amazing feat, so what’s next MrW?”
The local business man who runs his own successful cleaning company ’Stay Clean’ has already signed up for other extreme races. It looks like he has caught the ultra running bug. Watch out Forrest Gump, Jonny Wightman is now on the scene!