High Kicking ProspeX
May 01, 2022
ProKick Kickboxing ProspeX event - Like the name suggests this was all about giving opportunities to many of the new competitors coming through the ProKick gym, the majority of whom stepped through the ropes for the first time. Watch the video for free on ProKick's on channel -

Watch the video for free on ProKick's on channel - - ProKick Kickboxing ProspeX event - Like the name suggests this was all about giving opportunities to many of the new competitors coming through the ProKick gym.
The event was kicked off by ProKick’s 8 year old Leo Smith and his Waterford opponent Calvin Callaghan. It was clear to those watching, just how much these kickboxing kids love the sport.
Six more Junior fights were contested under light contact rules (junior rules), with opponents from Golden Dragon gym in Magherafelt, Black Dragon gym, Galway and Waterford Kickboxing all facing ProKick’s next generation. The referee had the hardest job of all at times reminding these determined teenagers that it was light contact and not full contact! However, there was a great range of skill, technique and resilience on display from all competitors and the dedication they have shown to their training over the last number of months really shone through.
The main card began at 7:30pm and what followed was four hours of non-stop action. HERE's THE RESULTS
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