Happy Smiley Faces at ProKick Kids Grading
October 16, 2020
The highlight of the week was two hours before the Executive's enforcement of lockdown came into effect on Northern Ireland. It was the happy smiling faces of relief when the ProKick KIDS finished their grading, moving the talented kickers up the kickboxing ladder of excellence at the ProKick Gym.

It was the happy smiling faces of relief when the ProKick KIDS finished their grading, moving the talented kickers up the kickboxing ladder of excellence at the ProKick Gym.
Kickboxing mad KIDS aged from 5 to 12 years of age were all tested on a series of moves taking the lucky candidates up a level to Yellow, Orange and just six of the best moved on to Green Belt level. The entire squad managed to finish the last session with 20 minutes to spare before lockdown became official.
Well done to all our New ProKick Belters:
New Yellow Belters
Joshua Bailey, Lucas Davey, Shane Hogg, Nicole Jackson, Isla Lam, Zach Mackenzie, Madison Moffett, Chantelle Moore, Tom Lecley, Eva Russell, Ryan Spence and Jay Wellington.
New Orange Belters
Elisa Davidson and Joseph McCreight
New Green Belters
Zoe Henderson, Lucas Mc Clean, Luan McVicker, Luca Murray, Luis Reid and Leo Smith