Happy 2020 from ProKick in Belfast
December 31, 2019
Happy New Year to all our ProKick members, friends, families and supporters of our great Gym. Thanks for all the support through-out the years, exciting times ahead in 2020.

Happy New Year to all our ProKick friends, families & supporters for 2020 - Whatever your goal, to get fit, gain confidence, lose those extra pounds, or be the next Champion, we can help you.
Every New Year we all believe that we will keep our well-meaning promises, by February, most of them have fallen by the wayside. We at Prokick aim to help you start as you mean to go. Whatever your goal, to get fit, gain confidence, lose those extra pounds, or be the next Champion, we can help you.
Here’s wishing all our members and you the ProKick web-surfer - a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year in 2020.
Here's to a happy, healthy and safe New Year
Billy Murray