Guess what's going on near ProKick
July 20, 2021
SEE BLOW ALL IS REVEALED - Why has traffic been stopped and re-directed close to the ProKick Gym off the Belmont road? There is major going's on just 25 meters away from the ProKick Gym in Wilgar St. SEE BLOW ALL REVEALED

What’s going on beside ProKick at the wall at Tescos on the Belmont Rd.
Near ProKick Gym in Wilgar St, there is a massive wall down the side of Tesco’s at the junction off Belmont / Holywood road - the wall is undergoing a facelift, ‘What’s Going on?
Keep checking, as more to be revealed over the next few days!
On another note, work is still ongoing at #ProKick new gym at Laburnum St, Bloomfield Ave.