Great day at ProKick Spar-a-thon #2
November 26, 2022
SATURDAY saw over 40 ProKickers young & older go through the ropes in a spectacular sparring event set on Sat 26th November 2022. Spectators watched friends and loved ones in a Master Class sparring session at a ProKick - ‘Sparathon’ #2

At Sparathon No.2 over 40 ProKickers young & older went through the ropes in a spectacular sparring event set on Sat 26th November 2022.
ProKick Sparathon was a great success with over 3 hours of non-stop sparring.
This was open to all Prokick members with or without sparring experience. The class was to give an opportunity to all levels and designed to help those members who want to bring their training up another level without fighting competitively in a controlled environment.
WKN British and European Champion, Jay Snoddon also went through the ropes along with title contenders - James Braniff and Grace Goody. Other ProKick names entered the ring for some important ring-time.
If you want in on the next Spar-a-thon, send an email to Subject: Sparathon #3 - Then we'll be in touch with details.
NOTE: Our next 'Champion Fight League' #3 is on the Sunday 11th December @ 3pm - want to take part? Send a list of your fighters to