New Level 2 Sparring Starts TONIGHT
February 18, 2020
New ProKick Sparring Course Starts TONIGHT: All welcome no fighters in this class. Last week, our Level 1 Sparring course ended with everyone having two rounds in the ring. The Level 2 sparring course is next, TONIGHT. Read on and find out what happens now.>>>>>

New Level 2 Sparring Started 19th FEB - Level-2 six week course will run for a further 6 weeks, all kicking-off next week 19th Feb 2020
The all new #ProKick Level 2 #sparringcourse will kick-off TONIGHT 19th Feb 2020 - The Level 2 style of sparring is a follow on from the recently finished level-1 six week course which concluded last week on the 12th FEB. The new level 2 class will run for a further 6 weeks, starting tonight the 19th FEB.
The level 2 #sparring course will focus on the low leg kick style of #kickboxing as well as the traditional Full Contact Style. Members will also have the opportunity to improve ring-craft, work on their stamina and obtain valuable experience back in the ring.
For the many of you wishing to take part in the next this Level 2 sparring course, book your place at reception or on-line here
Video's of your sparring have been sent out, if you did not receive your copy, contact reception.
Well done #teamProKick