Billy Murray talks to Joe Lindsay for Age Concern NI
April 24, 2024
This week on "How's the form?", Billy Murray! Billy Murray is a four-time world kickboxing champion. As founder of the Old Tin Hut ProKick gym in East Belfast, Billy has trained and mentored 18 world champions. Full episode now, everywhere you get your podcasts:

Joe and Billy on the couch for - "How's the form?" a new podcast from Age NI, part of the Good Vibrations men's health programme.
"How's the form?" is a new podcast from Age NI, part of the Good Vibrations men's health programme. Thanks to funder Movember and partners Business in the Community Northern Ireland Inspire Relate NI Groundwork NI.
Listen now: episode 7 of "How's the form?" featuring Prokick's Billy Murray!
Four-time world kickboxing champion, Billy talks to Joe about mentoring young people and his pride in opening a state of the art facility for users of all ages to pursue their dreams.
Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts:
Thanks to funder Movember and partners Business in the Community Northern Ireland Inspire Relate NI Public Health Agency Groundwork NI