The last Beginners Sparring Class FEB 2018
February 07, 2018
It was the last Week No.6 of our New ProKick Sparring Course which concluded on 7th FEB 2018 - every member had the opportunity to spar with two opponents in Wednesday's class. Sparring in any combat sport is important to developed not just the skill-set but also the students confidence. ProKick run regular sparring courses though-out the year, here on this page will be information and photographs from our members time in our sparring classes.

Action from the last Week No.6 of our New ProKick Sparring Course which concluded on 7th FEB 2018
The ProKick 6 week sparring course concluded on 7th FEB.
This was an open sparring class for the beginner with all the new starts finishing with a couple of rounds in the ring.
NOTE, no fighters are permitted in this class.
ProKick fighters start at 6:45pm.
Details will be posted here soon about the next class for this level.