Last fundraiser ahead of Japan
Stormont Hotel, Saturday 30th Nov 2019, Prokickers, friends and families came out in force to wish our Japan teenagers good-luck and farewell in the 'Land of the rising Sun'. A ProKick quiz, games, dancing along with further kind donations which all helped raise a further £579 towards the trip. Our supporters are simply the Best, and that's one of the songs we ended our good luck party on.

The Japan #ProKickTeam - Pictured here, the team who will travel to Japan this week, three teenagers competing in the official K1 tournament are: R-L James Braniff, Jay Snoddon & Grace Goody, Johnny Smith and Billy Murray will also travel with the team.
That’s us all done and now heading to Japan early tomorrow. The teens last training sessions will be in the Gym tonight Monday the 2nd Dec.
If you would like to see them train, you can - between 6pm to 8.15pm as they will complete three different level classes back-to-back.
Johnny 'Swift' Smith will travel with the team, he will meet two promoters who are interested in him fighting in Japan after his win over Japanese fighter, Shuhei Sone.
Keep up-to-date right here on the ProKick-WebSite with the teams progress. Our teens will all have access to up-load on their daily JAPAN BLOG.
" I’d like to take this opportunity to say thank you all who turned out or bought tickets for last night. To you, if you help out in any way with the fundraising for this ‘Once in a lifetime trip' for these three brilliant talented teenagers."
Thank you all so very much: Billy Murray