Ice-Man back home
July 24, 2017
Back home in Belfast, ‘The Ice-Man' Darren McMullan walked into the ProKick Gym today and it was as if he hadn’t been away. Darren McMullan, the undisputed ‘Ice-Man' of ProKick has lost his title - he was smiling ear-to-ear, what a difference travelling downunder to Australia has made.

Ice Man Darren McMullen is home
Welcome home Darren McMullen, the undefeated WKN middleweight K1-style world champ is home for a week. You can see him tomorrow night in training back where it all began.
Darren McMullen (middle), pictured here at the ProKick Gym just after a 27 hour flight with Billy Murray (left) and Johnny ‘The New Ice Man’ Smith (right)...No it doesn't look right and it hasn't got the same ring to it Johnny.