
Last Fundraiser ahead of Japan Trip

Saturday Nov 30th was the last Fundraiser ahead of the teams JOURNEY TO THE LAND OF THE RISING SUN Attention : Prokickers friends and family, join us at the Stormont hotel for a fun evening to help finish off our fundraising activities in aid of the Japan trip.

Japan Tour 2019
Wish good luck  to the ProKick Team heading to Japan - Prokickers friends and family, join us at the Stormont hotel for a fun evening to help finish off our fundraising activities in aid of the Japan trip.

Wish good luck to the ProKick Team heading to Japan - Prokickers friends and family, join us at the Stormont hotel for a fun evening to help finish off our fundraising activities in aid of the Japan trip.

Join us for the last hurrah before the team head to Japan.

When - TONIGHT Saturday 30th November 7pm - late

Where - Dunmisk Suite, Stormont hotel

Why - ProKick social night and last chance to help the team reach fundraising targets

Dj Connor Brennan, Video display & Entertainment & Full Bar

Tickets cost £5 and can be purchased at the ProKick Gym from 06/11/2019.

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