ProKick Outdoor Classes @ Stormont
October 28, 2020
We are back in Stormont this Saturday - we will meet at 9:50am training at 10am - we are permitted to take outdoor classes with a total of 14 people. The first outdoor class in lockdown No.2 will be held this morning Saturday 7th November @ 10am. Further information is listed below:

Saturday we will stage an outdoor fitness style class on Sat 10am Stormont (Same place as before) at the back gates Massey Ave. Please be there for 9;50am ready to kick-off at 10am sharp.
Saturday we will stage another ProKick fitness style on Sat 10am 7th Nov at Stormont (Same place as before) at the back gates Massey Ave. Please be there for 9;50am ready to kick-off at 10am sharp.
Come prepared, it is raining and blowing pretty bad so be prepared! We will not be rained off. Adults only
A little running, boxing & kicking drills, syllabus and more.
This is the address: Stormont Estate, Massey Avenue, Belfast, BT4 2JT.
Classes are £5 Book here, Note, no changes no refunds.